The good news is that I have started exercising. In a most unexpected way. We got a Wii game system. Then the Wii Fit. And I got the "My Personal Coach" (or something like that) which is actually just a workout DVD for Wii, but it does track not only your progress, but also your intensity level and adjusts it to your own needs. And that's really good.
But, what has really rocked my world has been the Dance Dance Revolution II. Oh my gosh. I have found my exercise DREAM. I've always loved to dance. Modern dance. Ballet. Just plain dance dance. And with this game, I can dance AND burn calories and sweat AND have a total blast. I actually look forward to it. And when I start playing, I just can't stop. I always have to tear myself away. I'm feelin' the energy! :) The ONLY downside is that it's making my hip hurt. I really have to "sandwich" my workouts with Ibuprofen. But I'm hope hope hoping that, as I lose weight, this will improve.
My major challenge right now I guess is the carb thing. I am finding that if I have too many carbs - bread carbs, mainly - I gain weight SO easily. I can handle fruits and vegetables just fine, it's just the starchy stuff. I'm really working to lose right now. I suppose part of it could be that since I'm exercising after being sedentary for so long, I may be gaining some muscle weight. I just have to try to watch it, watch my portions, too and just keep doing the right thing. And not get too focused on the number. This is what I've said all along, anyway.
We're off to NYC this weekend, which will definitely present some eating challenges - you HAVE to eat great food in the city, right? But, there's always PLENTY of walking to do as well, so, hopefully, it will more than even out!