Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another weigh-in

Pounds lost this week: 1
Total pounds lost: 12

I'll take that. It was a challenging weekend. But I think, overall, I did really well. A pound is good. At least it's down and not up!

I'll have another challenging weekend this coming. We'll be at a celtic music festival and we'll be inside a big convention hall all day. The food is expensive and not healthy. I'm going to bring a few things along, and I'm also going to try to bring in, like, a Wendy's salad or something. I don't want to succumb to just eating crap.

The amazing thing that's happening is that I'm really developing a DESIRE to eat healthy. I don't want to "mess up" my eating habits, my body, by eating crap food. Or even food that's not even that crappy, but just not as healthy as it could be. I'm really evaluating and discerning what I put in my mouth. Because I like this weight dropping off!

Chris made dinner last night and, after I walked away, I thought, "dang. I don't feel good about that meal." He made his mom's recipe of "Waikiki Meatballs", brown rice and roasted carrots. Sounds good enough. The meat was even venison, and that's a good thing. But what I had on my plate was about half a plate of 4 meatballs surrounded by lots of pineapple tidbits and a very few green peppers that was all laden with a sweet/sour sauce; about 3/4 c. of brown rice and then about 1/2 cup of roasted carrots that pretty much had the life sucked out of them. Now, believe me, I am not unappreciative of the fact that Chris made the dinner! But walking away feeling like I ate poorly, I did feel like I had to go back afterwards and make a few requests.

First of all, I want my plate of food to be proportioned like this:

That would be 1/2 veggies, 1/4 meat and 1/4 starch.

Next, or maybe I should have said first, I want to load my own plate from now on.

Finally, when meal planning, there needs to be veggies in abundance! I count on getting most of my veggies in the evening meal. I think I may start planning a salad a day and if it isn't going to be at the evening meal, then I'll have one for lunch. And I told him, let me know if you're having trouble coming up with more veggies. Because I love them and will eat almost any kind (maybe eggplant being the only exception) and I will happily prepare them even for just myself, if needed.

So, hopefully, that's one more piece of education that will be taken to heart around here. For ME, anyway. I have to be in control (in a good way) of what I'm putting into my mouth. Since Chris is definitely not on the same page as I am, I just can't entrust him to be in charge of my plate - or even my whole meal.

Lesson learned.

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